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Overall module result

Grade 3 Pass

Overall examinable score (OES): 65
Overall continuous assessment score (OCAS): 87*

*Substitution has been applied.


Assignment Score
TMA 01 86
TMA 02 87
TMA 03 88
TMA 04 83
TMA 05 91
TMA 06 78
TMA 17 32

Assessment Calculator

Tutorials attended

Date Title Venue Tutor
20/08/2015 Effective presentation skills Oxford Brookes Mr Arnold Palmer
27/06/2016 Getting ready for your first assignment Dog and Duck Mrs Alison Perkins


Dr Donald Bradman
Tutor number 01234567
Email Contact your tutor
Daytime telephone *01869 123456
Evening telephone 01869 123456

Personal details of the tutor are confidential and must not be passed on to a third party.

Your qualifications

You are planning to count this module towards:

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Quality assurance

In the UK higher education sector it is seen as good practice for Universities to make ‘External Examiner’ reports available to students to improve transparency about the workings and findings of this key quality assurance mechanism undertaken by all UK Universities. In the OU an external examiner is appointed for each module to specifically provide the University with advice on the academic standards of the module and to offer an informed view of how standards compare with provision at other UK Universities. You can request to see an External Examiner report as a matter of interest. It is an academic document covering module content, assessment and comparability with other institutions. However, you must not make contact with the external examiner. If you do so, the external examiner will report this to the University. If you wish to appeal against a TMA score or any other University decision, you should do so following the University procedures in your Assessment Handbook.

If you would like to request a copy of an external examiner's report for a module you are studying, along with the University's formal response, you may do so by emailing When making the request, please provide the module code for the report being requested and your Personal Identifier. We will try to provide the report within 28 days of your request.

These details reflect your record as held by The Open University on 14 September 2015. If you think that this record is incorrect, please contact us.

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