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Assessment Calculator

B203: Business functions in context

To calculate a predicted result, enter estimates for any remaining scores and click on the calculate button.

Your Continuous Assessment Scores

You need a minimum of 40% to be sure of passing the Overall Continuous Assessment Score (OCAS) requirement.

We do not have scores for you for the following assignments. You can add estimated scores here and we will use them to calculate your predicted result. Remember to enter zero for any past assignment either (a) not submitted or (b) submitted too late to be counted for assessment.

Assignment Help for Assignment Number Score

Your Overall Examination Score

We will not know your Overall Examination Score (OES) Help for OES until you have completed the module, but you can enter an estimate here, and we will use it to predict your result. Your module materials will tell you which assessment tasks contribute to the OES score.

Note that most students score better on their assignments than in OES.

Your Estimated OES %

{If form submitted}

Your predicted scores and result

OCAS 95% (see full calculation details)
OES 50%
Predicted result Help for predicted result Pass

Factors we have not taken into account which may affect your actual result:

  • Any minumum score threshold requirements within OES
  • Any special circumstance information you may submit
  • Limited discretion that the Examination and Assessment Board may exercise in setting result boundaries