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Study record

BA (Honours) Combined Social Sciences Expand/collapse

  • Code: Q69
  • Status: in progress
  • Credits: 0 of 360
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

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Introducing the social sciences (DD102)

Download your Statement of Academic Record for your BA (Honours) Humanities qualification

Qualification End Date

This qualification has to be completed within 16 years. Your first credit counting towards this qualification is dated 03-Oct-2015 which means that you must complete this qualification by 03-Oct-2031.

Statement of Academic Record

Shows details of the credit you have obtained and counted towards this qualification so far.

Download statement (Adobe PDF, 60K)

Student Support Team

For administrative support and specialist advice relating to this qualification contact your Student Support Team.


To read the General Qualification Regulations, or Conditions of Registration, please see our Essential Documents. Regulations specific to your qualification can be found below:
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Qualification Fee

The total cost of the qualification is determined by the combined cost of the individual modules required to complete it. Each module has an individual fee. There are also additional costs associated with study such as technology, travel to tutorials, set books and internet access which are not included in module fees.

Taking a break

If you wish to take a break from this qualification.

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