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Your qualification options

You've told us you intend to work towards the qualification(s) below. Your qualification(s) are ending soon and the final date that any student can qualify for it is fast approaching. You also have a personal completion date for each qualification and you will need to make sure that you satisfy all the academic requirements (e.g. you’ve passed all the necessary modules) for it by that date.

Check your qualification record page where you can view qualification completion dates and the modules that are counting towards your qualification(s). You can also review your qualification description and qualification regulations which you can use to check how many modules you need to complete.

If you have more than one qualification listed below you should choose one now to focus on. Contact your SST to do this. If you’re confident that you’ll complete before the end date you can register for your next module now.

BA/BSc Open degree You have a time limit for completing this qualification. To claim it you must have completed the required credits by your qualification completion date

You can check your qualification completion date on your qualification record.

If you are concerned you might not complete in time have a look at the options available to you and keep them in mind when selecting your modules this year.

Thinking of changing your qualification? Visit our Plan your study site for advice and guidance on your options.

If you have any questions about your eligibility for this qualification please contact the Credit, Qualifications and Ceremonies Centre by email.

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You can also register for standalone modules that are not a part of your qualification.